We believe everyone deserves a chance; a chance to support each other, a chance to learn something new, to unlearn things which no longer serve us, to try and fail and not be shamed, to celebrate with our peers, to support each other on the hard days, to be imperfectly perfect along with the rest of us. And we believe in personal accountability to always strive to be and do better.

We believe everyone deserves to be treated with respect; as we learn, as we try, as we fail, as we celebrate, and especially as we disagree. And we believe it is necessary to constantly work to improve communication and understanding.

We believe the Horse is our partner; it is a responsibility and privilege to treat them with respect for their own individuality, to help them grow and develop into their own personal best with fairness and understanding. We believe we each can always, always improve our skills to help horses understand and learn with confidence and relaxation.

We believe in our Barn Family. Each of us - students, teachers, owners, and crew - bring a very valuable experience and viewpoint to the table. Every. Single. Person. Everyone matters. Everyone can learn something, likewise everyone has something they can teach.

So as we look around, it's a bit humbling to see all of the amazing people gathered here... our dedicated lesson students, colleagues, show teams, youth students, ladies' night groups, ranch riders, chore crew, After School teens, and so many more. While it's always rewarding to watch horsemanship skills improve, we've reached a place where it's just as sweet to see the community being built here. The support system you all have created for each other truly amazes us, and we thank each of you for being here.

Bless you all, and we can't wait to see what you do next.
- Jennifer and Kari

What We Believe...

"Be crazy enough to believe you can achieve anything"